Minimig Improvements

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Revision as of 22:43, 22 August 2007 by Freqmax (talk | contribs) (MCU pin header user i/o)
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Some ideas for improving Minimig:


Minimig Selftest
ECS graphics - First to do?, after all more software can use ECS than AGA
AGA graphics
Ethernet Rid of the need for flashmemories? (network boot)
Use SDram
MCU rs232tx -or- FPGA rs232tx
50/60Hz (pal/ntsc)
S-Video Resistor D/A issues etc..
Breakout connectors instead of pcb mounted
Wire the unused MCU (pic18xxxx) ports to a user I/O pin header
Kickstart replacement
Discimage support .ADF .DMS .FDI .ADZ
Expansion via Zorro ISA PCI PCI-Express
Upgrade the FPGA
RTL devices
Create a real floppy controller (see Amiga floppy project)
Simulate Atari ST, Macintosh-m68k etc..
Realtime clock
Parallel port

CPU improvements:

Faster CPU (68020? -> can run netbsd)
CPU in verilog/vhdl (single-chip FPGA + CPU)
Would it make any sense to replace the "FPGA chip + CPU chip" on the current Minimig, with a single-chip "FPGA + CPU chip" device? --DavidCary 21:28, 28 July 2007 (PDT)
Wikipedia:FPGA mentions a few such "FPGA + CPU chip" devices.
Minimig 68K CPU BERR* Support (For 68K BERR* Vector when non-existant memory accessed)
