Minimig Software compatibility

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Application System Works
Lemmings OCS Works (According to screenshot)
Fire&Ice ECS/OCS ?
Wonderdog ECS/OCS ?
Doddle Bug - Bug Bash 2 ?
The Adventures of Quik & Silva ?
Arabian Nights ?
Monkey Island 1+2 ?
Wonderland ?
Dungeon Quest ?
Sleepwalker ECS/OCS ?
Brian The Lion ?
Chaos Engine 1+2 ECS/OCS ?
Speedball ?
Trolls ?

maffoo 070810:

Kickstart 3.1 would work, as long as you had the kickstart image. I doubt OS3.9 would work though, doesn't it need at least an 020?


WHDLoad is designed to emulate the older Amiga hardware in a system-legal way, allowing older games to run on newer hardware. When a game runs under WHDLoad, it takes over the entire operating system, but quitting the game restores the system back into its normal working state.

Kickstart versions (important changes):

Version Comment
1.0 Initial
1.1 Bug fixes
1.2 ROM kickstart, AutoConfig
1.3 Harddisc boot, FFS?
2.x BCPL -> C
3.x Datatypes
3.5 ISO-FS, IP-stack, Harddisc >4GB

Wikipedia: AmigaOS versions