ClipBoard GUI

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The GUI or graphical user interface is the key to using the Smart Clipboard. Python Smart ClipBoard This page is the documentation for the GUI.

Screen Shot

This is what it looks like, details on each part below. Still working on it, mostly to clean up the details. Note that this screen shot was taken during a debugging session and has some artifacts that will soon disappear, then a new screen shot will be placed here.

ScreenShot 1.png

What Does What: The Controls

Control is mostly through buttons, sometimes supplemented by text fields. Outside of the GUI there is also a parameter file which controls start up and item like communications setting. The large rectangle at the bottom left, a text area, is where data sent, received, and some information messages are displayed. It is referred to as the receive area.

Working from top to bottom:

At the Top

  • <Window title> Program name and some additional info including version, mode, and the name of any "extra" parameter file ( see Smart Terminal Parameter Examples ).
  • <ID Color Band >The green band under the title is an optional component, its height and color is set in the parameter file. It is normally useful only if you are running 2 instances of the terminal and want a quick way to tell them apart.

Top Button Row

  • <Edit Log> opens an editor on the system ( needs to be configured in parameter file self.ex_editor = <name of executable or link> ) to view the python logging file for the app.
  • <Edit Parms > opens an editor on the system to edit the file. See <Edit Log>.
  • <Edit Snippets> ...
  • <Edit Snip Files> ...
  • <Restart> Restarts the application ( usually fast ) using new values ( if any ) in the parameter file(s).
  • <Help> Will open some sort of help file, text, pdf, or url, depending on configuration in parameter file.
  • <About> More or less standard help box.
  • <Test> May not be present, for debugging, not generally useful or predictable, you would need to look through the code to see what it might be doing, press at your own risk.

Buttons from Extensions

If you have extended the terminal with an xxx_processing module, its GUI will appear here. In this screen shot we see the GUI from the greenhouse extension ( note this is the mode in the window title ). The actual labels are something still in flux, the functions are more fixed.

    • <Helper: Find and Monitor Arduino > starts auto run mode of terminal if so configured, this is still alpha and in any case will not have much success unless connected to a compatible serial device ( typically an Arduino ).
    • <Helper: Find Arduino > T
    • <Interrupt Helper> stops auto run mode of terminal. Also still alpha, but generally harmless.

Send Area

  • <Send Buttons> and <Text Entry> to right of each button. Each button sends the text to the right of the button, text is not erased after transmission. Lots of parameters in the parameter file determine the details:
    • Number of send buttons
    • Text of each button ( default Send )
    • Text of the data to be send may or may not be protected based on parameter settings

The setup shown here is customized for a particular arduino program, the greenhouse monitor.