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== Amiga Floppy Project ==
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This project is the building of an external USB amiga floppy drive controller. It sits between the USB port on a Windows PC, and a regular PC floppy drive. It will allow the PC to create .ADF images from an amiga floppy disk. This device is based on a Parallax SX28 microcontroller, uses Ramtron FRAM memory for temporary track storage, and uses another Parallax component for the USB interface.
This project is the building of an external USB amiga floppy drive controller. It sits between the USB port on a Windows PC, and a regular PC floppy drive. It will allow the PC to create .ADF images from an amiga floppy disk. This device is based on a Parallax SX28 microcontroller, uses Ramtron FRAM memory for temporary track storage, and uses another Parallax component for the USB interface.
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[http://www.parallax.com/sx/index.asp Parallax SX Microcontroller]
[http://www.parallax.com/sx/index.asp Parallax SX Microcontroller]
[http://www.ramtron.com/doc/Products/Nonvolatile/Detail.asp?ID=30&gr=5 Ramtron Serial FRAM]

Revision as of 01:59, 10 September 2007

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This project is the building of an external USB amiga floppy drive controller. It sits between the USB port on a Windows PC, and a regular PC floppy drive. It will allow the PC to create .ADF images from an amiga floppy disk. This device is based on a Parallax SX28 microcontroller, uses Ramtron FRAM memory for temporary track storage, and uses another Parallax component for the USB interface.


related projects

  • Minimig, an open source exact FPGA re-implementation of an Amiga 500.

External links

Amiga Floppy Project Blog

Parallax SX Microcontroller
