Russ Suggests an Arduino Setup

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Russ Suggests an Arduino Setup

These are the things I like to have when tinkering with Arduinos and Motors


  • My computer with Arduino software and an Internet connection for access to documentation.
  • Arduino connected to computer with USB cable
  • Prototyping board $$
  • Separate power supply for the motor, whatever voltage makes the motor happy $
  • The motor or motors $
  • Driver Components for your motor $$
  • Wire for Prototyping Board $

Bit Beyond Basics

Get these if you can.

  • Multimeter(s) $
  • Soldering Iron ( small low wattage, best, guns are usually too much ) $$
  • Misc components, transistors, resistors....... $

Way Beyond Basics

We either have or can arrange to have these at SCIL

  • O Scope
  • Logic Analyzer ( you can make using an Arduino ) ( Amazon has a USB one like Russ's for under $60 )


  • $ we can set you up for cheap or free
  • $$ russ can get you for his cost, using Amazon Prime so no shipping. Contact him.