Blinking Blues
Having some trouble with arduino blink. Will write up here. Draft now, not enough to really be of use to anyone but me.
I have been messing about with steppers and simple drivers for some time. Recently I put a logic analizer into use and noticed that the switching wave forms were a bit off. Simplifying this I went back to the basic blink and took a look at it. It also had some anomolies. This began an investigation of various blink code and the results. So far I have not found code that gives good results. In this investigation I am focusing on using pulses with half periods of 500 and 5000 micro ( not milli ) seconds.
Some Results
Test Setup
Logic sniffer is the dangerous prototypes single board device
Measurement taken using the cursor measurement, finding some good pulses at the beginning and then visually scanning, then measuring for bad pulses later on. All recorded to a spreadsheet, that will be uploaded here.