Programmable Chip EEG

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Revision as of 22:20, 8 July 2006 by Josh eeg (talk | contribs)
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The Programmable Chip EEG is a dual channel electroencephalograph that could be a brain-computer interface.

The Programmable Chip EEG is programmable becouse of the [Digitaly Programmable Potentiometers ] set the Gain, frequency range & can calibrate multiple analog boards for different EEG tests.

The digital POT made by analog devices (AD5204) has 255 positions can be adjusted by the microcomputer that can receive commands from the computer. This is a great way for analog circuitry to have digital control.

The AD5204 is a chip with 4 digitally controlled POTs and in the future could be controlled by the computer to match input impedance?