Arduino Kit - Cheap

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This page will attempt to put together a list of parts for a "cheap" arduino kit that might be suitable for school use. We will start sourcing on ebay and amazon, then perhaps branch out. Be aware that sources and prices change fast so this will get out of date fast.


  • Arduinos -- must be usb
  • Prototyping Bread Board
  • Wire for proto board
  • Components to do what??
    • IR reciever - cause remote control is cool.


  • USB
  • Proto Board Friendly
  • Willing to do some soldering to save money
  • Indifferent to speed or lots of IO as long as it has the basics

useful search arduino nano usb with cable

Proto Board

Proto Wire

IR Sensor

IR Transmitter

For the sensor

search ir remote arduino

LED and Suitable Resistor

  • Some color
  • Some Bright White ??


Nice to have a backlight but not necessary

Stepper Motor and Driver

Servo Motor
