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The goal of the gEDA project is to create a fully functional GPL'd suite of EDA (Electronic Design Automation) tools.

The gEDA suite

The gEDA suite consists of a wide range of tools found in other suites.

- gschem: schematic capture and netlisting.

- #gnetlist: netlist generation program

- #symcheck: syntax checker for schematic symbols

- #gattrib: spreadsheet program that manipulates the properties of symbols of a schematic

- #libgeda: libraries for gschem gnetlist and gsymcheck

- #gsch2pcb: forward annotations from schematic to layout using PCB.

Why gEDA

Compared to other software packages from Cadence, Mentor, or Synopsys, gEDA may not be as advanced and sophisticated then other packages. However, gEDA is becoming increasingly useful to a lot of people because of the following reasons.

- Absolutely Free

- All files and the entire source code are available via the GPL License.

- Independence from any vendor. Since all gEDA tools come with full source, you can make any modifications to the tools, as loong as your follow the terms of the GPL.

- Stability: bugs are investigated immediately ans fixed in a timely manner.

- Runs on as many platforms as possible including GNU/Linux and numbeous other UNIX systems.

- Strives to be documented


Why gEDA