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Open Circuits is a wiki for sharing electronics knowledge, schematics, board layouts, and parts libraries.
Open Circuits is a wiki for sharing electronics knowledge, schematics, board layouts, and parts libraries.
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* [http://openjtag.net/ the OpenJTAG wiki] ( http://openjtag.net/ )
* [http://openjtag.net/ the OpenJTAG wiki] ( http://openjtag.net/ )
* [http://reprap.org/bin/view/Main/WebHome the RepRap wiki] discusses the RepRap project to build a "Replicating Rapid-prototyper", a self-copying 3D printer. "Complete open-source instructions and plans are published on this website for zero cost and available to everyone so, if you want to make one yourself, you can."
* [http://reprap.org/bin/view/Main/WebHome the RepRap wiki] discusses the RepRap project to build a "Replicating Rapid-prototyper", a self-copying 3D printer. "Complete open-source instructions and plans are published on this website for zero cost and available to everyone so, if you want to make one yourself, you can."
* [http://analogwiki.com/ the Analog wiki] "The Wiki for Design & Verification Engineers by Design & Verification Engineers."
* [http://analogwiki.com/ the Analog wiki] "The Wiki for Design
* [http://editthis.info/JMRI JMRI wiki ( http://editthis.info/JMRI )] The JMRI project is building tools for model railroad computer control.
* [http://dccwiki.com/ the DCC wiki ( http://dccwiki.com/ )] ("Digital Command Control") discusses computer-controlled model railroads.
* [http://hardwarebook.info/ the Hardware Book. Internet's largest free collection of connector pinouts and cable descriptions.] ''needs WikiNode''
* [https://isl.ncsa.uiuc.edu/twiki/bin/view/OpenFPGA the OpenFPGA wiki] ''needs WikiNode''
* [https://devel.goto10.org/packets/wiki/CATkit the CATkit wiki: CATkit is an open hardware project] designed as a standalone interactive Forth computer for audio sound artists. (Based on Microchip PIC 18F).
* [http://openbios.org/ the OpenBIOS project wiki] discusses several free and open source implementations of IEEE 1275-1994 (also called "Open Firmware"). Open Firmware allows expansion cards to provide a "boot ROM" that works all common platforms, like x86, AMD64, PowerPC, ARM and Mips.
* [http://obook.info/ the OpenBook wiki] discusses OpenBook, an open source hardware and software project designing a computer tablet ... Everyone can contribute and help to shape the OpenBook hardware and software specifications.
* [https://events.ccc.de/camp/2007/ Chaos Communication Camp wiki]
Please add closely-related wiki. Keep the 7 or so of the most-closely-related wiki.
Move less-relevant wiki to WikiIndex.
''Are any of the wiki listed at http://www.communitywiki.org/odd/SoftwareBazaar/MicrocontrollerProgramming relevant enough to list here?''

Revision as of 18:18, 25 October 2007

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key points of interest

wiki-nodes of neighboring wiki

open hardware cell phone wiki:

other open wireless communications wiki:

  • WSN, the Wireless Sensor Network wiki discusses wireless sensor networks. (wired sensor network discussion is also tolerated :-).
  • a wiki for RONJA (Reasonable Optical Near Joint Access) Free Space Optics device[1]. ("free technology" is the same as "open hardware", right?)
  • OpenWRT wiki: "OpenWrt is an open source project to create a free embedded operating system for network devices."

other related wiki:

For open source software (or open source in general) visit the Open Source Wikia.